SYSBM-PPBs: Time to begin building fellas...The Road Ahead

Yo KosherClinician, A few articles with info for the SYSBM/PPB community. See the old bluenotes2 blog on blogspot. SYSBMs & PPBs currently move in an individualistic manner. For individual survival - perhaps that is okay. Reawakened american black men - as a class of men - will not survive moving individually. I do not give a crap about getting "credit". Hell give the credit to the Godfather, Kevin Samuels; or to MLK or Malcolm. Time to get SERIOUS black men. Our very survival is at stake! However, if the concern is the Survival of 'good Black Men', if the concern is the survival of awakened, aware, formerly ignored black men in the US. Individual, uncoordinated, piecemeal movement is no guarantee of survival - let alone thriving. As SYSBM/PPBs gaining motion - moving with confidence - if this small group, and the survival of the "Best" of the american black man, is to move ahead. A plan is necessary. The Road Ahead for SYSBM/PPB black men? We need a 20 year plan goal, with further projection out 50 years. 20 year plan with realistic courses of action (CoAs) and 3 - 5 -10 - and 20 year milestones. C'mon Now! Time to get SERIOUS men, our survival is at stake! What is the Road Ahead for the reawakened american black man? Been texting you, Lead Attorney, Dennis Spurling, Obsidian, DrT Hassan, el Guapo, Passport OG, Passport Business Class, Pablo Frescobar, others - WE NEED A PLAN, fellas. Those of you with resources, access to university resources, think tanks, etc., can coordinate and set up a mechanism to formulate a plan: The NABC (new american black community) Road Ahead.

This is an effort that 'could' be spearheaded by your Black Conclave, in September 2023 - to kick off initial brainstorming...idea formulations.
There is a current hodgepodge of black men in the PI and in Thailand. Not enough for a real community, but those patches are growing. We have the economy as SYSBMs & PPBs to create a real community, a new american black community - overseas. SYSBMs = 1 million BM / PPBs = 500K BM, or 1.5 million BM today. These men have an annual economy of $75 Billion USD! If the numbers grow to 3 million BMs, that economy grows to $150 Billion USD - annually! (1.5M men x $50K annually = $75Billion USD... #77 world economy) (3M men x $50K annually = $150Billion USD... #60 world economy) What country do we want to BUY? I prefer a) Panama/Costa Rica b) the South American Guyanas (all 3) c) Namibia (The Midnite Writer)

Time to git to gettin' men. No time for dallying - no time for milling about smartly. Time's a wastin'!

- gtmoBlue


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