The Demise of A.merican Black Culture

Demise of American Black Culture... 

'Alas poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio'

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on ’til victory is won.

The so-called American “Black Community” has Stage 4 Cancer. The prognosis is death. Can anything be done, any breakthrough in research, any miracle drug, any undiscovered remedy from the Amazon jungles, that can possibly save the American Black “comunitah” from extinction?   No.

Government programs of the era, liberal politicians and their Black proxies, 1970s Feminism, 1972 Roe v Wade abortion decision; and an eager, empowered, deceived, misguided, & selfish community of American women, including Black women – took up the banner of women's equality. In doing so, black women effectively sealed their own fate and the death warrant of their own community.

The Civil Rights movement failed...its' leadership co-opted and corrupted by the quest for power and money. Liberal elites of the era held out a sufficient number of 'carrots' to sway black leadership into the liberals program. Civil Rights were replaced with Equal Rights. Over time the emphasis on Equal Rights, coupled with the legacy effectiveness of early programs, and a continuing succession of follow-on programs effectively hollowed out, eviscerated, and doomed the american black community.

The late, great Walter E. Williams was a professor of economics at George Mason University. Quoted liberally for fair use in this article...copyright 2014,

The Issues:

1- Academic achievement; the number of black students scoring proficient is far below the national average.

It is a disgrace — and ought to be a source of shame — to know that the average white seventh- or eighth-grader can run circles around the average black 12th-grader in most academic subjects.” - Walter E. Williams

The political and education establishment tells us that the solution lies in higher budgets, but the fact of business is that some of the worst public school districts have the highest spending per student. Washington, D.C., for example, spends more than $29,000 per student and scores at nearly the bottom in academic achievement.

2- Each year, roughly 7,000 — up to 9,000 — blacks are murdered. Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims.

Contrast this with the fact that black fatalities during the Korean War (3,075), Vietnam War (7,243) and wars since 1980 (about 8,200) total about 18,500. Young black males have a greater chance of reaching maturity on the battlefields than on the streets of Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, Newark and other cities.

Most of the problems faced by the black community have their roots in a black culture that differs significantly from the black culture of yesteryear.

3- Today only 35 percent of black children are raised in two-parent households, but as far back as 1880, in Philadelphia, 75 percent of black children were raised in two-parent households — and it was as high as 85 percent in other places. Even during slavery, in which marriage was forbidden, most black children were raised with two biological parents. In 1965 65% of black adults were married (2 parent households).

The black family managed to survive several centuries of slavery and generations of the harshest racism and Jim Crow, to ultimately become destroyed by the welfare state and feminism.

4- The black family has fallen victim to the vision fostered by some intellectuals that, in the words of a sociology professor in the 1960s, “it has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes.” The real issue to these intellectuals “is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income.”

That suggests that fathers can be replaced by a welfare check. The weakened black family gives rise to problems such as a predominance of masculine black women, an epidemic of female obesity, high rates of female hypergamy, the deliberate genocide (abortion) of 20 million (400,000/year x 50 years) black babies since 1972, an overwhelming rate of illegitimate bastard births, a high crime rate, predation, gender confusion in children, a rampant debt burden, child malnutrition, and other forms of anti-social behavior.

The cultural problems that affect many black people are challenging and not pleasant to talk about, but incorrectly attributing those problems to racism and racial discrimination, a need for more political power, and a need for greater public spending condemns millions of blacks to the degradation and despair of the welfare state.  

What happens to a dream deferred?

Politics is not the Answer.

consistent theme in Walter’s writings is that political power is not the solution for the problems facing many Black people:

My argument has always been that the political arena is largely irrelevant to the interests of ordinary black people. . . . Much of the 1960s and ’70s civil rights rhetoric was that black political power was necessary for economic power. But the nation’s most troublesome and dangerous cities, which are also cities with low-performing and unsafe schools and poor-quality city services, have been run by Democrats for nearly a half-century—with blacks having significant political power, having been mayors, city councilors, and other top officials, such as superintendents of schools and chiefs of police. . . .

Whoever is the president has little or no impact on the living conditions of ordinary black people, even when that president is a black person, as the Obama presidency has demonstrated. The overall welfare of black people requires attention to devastating problems that can be solved only at the family and community levels.

Mountains of evidence demonstrates that outcomes are not favorable for children raised in female-headed households. Criminal behavior is greater, and academic achievement is much less for such children. This is a devastating problem, but it is beyond the reach of a president or any other politician to solve. If there is a solution, it will come from churches and local community organizations.

2018 commentary titled “Enough’s Enough: Blacks Must Seize Control of Own Lives,” Walter wrote:

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities [communities with high crime rates and failing schools]. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What’s needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior.

Walter emphasized that “the solution to most of the major problems that confront black people will not be found in the political arena or by electing more blacks to high office.” Instead, the solutions are to be found in free-market capitalism, civil society institutions, and the transformation of black subculture.

Government programs that are intended to help solve problems confronting many Black people have instead made problems worse: “If we wait for Washington to solve our problems,” Walter said, “we’ll be waiting for a long time.”

- Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams was an eternal optimist. On this issue I am not optimistic. In my humble opinion the so-called american black community has long ago passed the tipping point. It is far too little, far too late, to save the black community.

Black men of the United States, ie; SYSBMs & PPBs. Save yourselves. Get your passports and leave while people are still 'allowed' to leave. The so-called american black community is beyond saving. It is too fire damaged, water-logged, rusted, and broken to save. If the 1.5 – 3 million men who are SYSBM and Passport Bros, if you move together, as a cohesive group; you have the resources to build a new black american community elsewhere, of your chosing – Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central America, or South America. Your choice. Collectively, you control $75 -$150 BILLION USD, annually. (1.5 Million men x $50K = $75 Billion USD; 3 Million men x $50K = $150 Billion USD – these are annual economic figures.)

An HBCU, Think-Tank, or a consulting firm's  'Exodus Working Group" can evaluate all the aspects of the various candidate locations, the pluses & Minuses, obstacles, hurdles, logistical nightmares, low-med-high costs analyses, and a top 6 Courses of Action (COAs), etc. to consider.  

                                                        -    @gtmoBlue  

Does it wither on the vine, like a raisin in the sun?

2018 commentary titled “.”Enough’s Enough: Blacks Must Seize Control of Own Lives".

The late, great Walter E. Williams was a professor of economics at George Mason University. Quoted liberally for fair use in this article...copyright 2014,


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