Bye bye, so long, farewell!

It has been stated before, by other sources, that the Govt used the feminist movement to co-opt black women. They were then taught how to destroy the black community. The 2 organizations (govt/feminists) and their BW proxies, have done an outstanding job of annihilating what was left of the black community from the 60s. Black women have systematically committed genocide on the community. They have killed 20 Million black people through abortions, over the last 50 years - since Roe v Wade (400,000 murders/year). This while they still give birth to more illegitimate bastard children than any other race in the USA. Black women have become men, civil rights turned into equal rights (women, lgbtq-IA, other minority races ). Anything designed to help black people is automatically labeled equal rights and those groups mentioned above all get their cut of the money/benefits first. It only took 50 years to destroy the black community, after black folk had survived slavery, Jim Crow, assimilation, etc. What a master stroke to use black women to destroy us from within. Yo Eze, others: the SYCBM issue is a nonstarter. The so-called black community is dead. Whatever crumbs may be left then go to the black community. See ADOS reparations arguments. The nation of islams' argument is not new - they have preached since the 70s. Shaherazad Ali repeated these arguments in the 1990s. For those who wish to attempt the futile effort to resurrect the communitah (SYCBM), there are some 'resources'. Black women have a loyal following of Plantation brothers, ie: the 'Defenders' of BW, the 'Game Coaches', the Tyrones, Ray-Rays, Pookies, the Chads, the "Cleanup Brothers" (stepdads); and the minions of 'unseen, overlooked, & invisible' brothers. These groups combine for 66% adult BMs in the US. While more of the invisible BMs may eventually join the SYSBM group, BW should take solace in that they have brainwashed 60%+ of US black men into accepting and cherishing their bullshit. "Level up", "be better", learn some "game", "marry a single mom", "be a step-dad" - for another mans' kids, "no voting, no vucking", and other assorted BS", etc.. The small SYSBM/PPB contingent currently equals roughly 1.5 million of the 10 million adult black males in the US. They have an annual economy of $75 Billion USD. (1.5 million men x $50,000.00). If their ranks swell 3 million men, that economy number jumps to $150 Billion USD. Should these groups (SYSBM/PPB) move together, in a concerted or coordinated effort, they can buy their own country. I am 72 y/o and it is probably far too late for old farts like me. However, younger BMs (60 and below) can benefit from the lessons of the last 50 or so years. They can adopt the positions of the SYSBM/PPB group and save some Black Men. This grouping of BMs can save themselves - It's time to go fellas...Abandon Ship. I prefer that SYSBMs and the Passport Bros move as a group, in a concerted effort, to either Panama/Costa Rica OR Namibia in Southwestern Africa, or other suitable country. Both sites are abundant with natural resources and neither has a standing army. There are other nations/areas (So. America, Africa, Asia) which also fit the bill for an exodus: South America: the Guyanas (Fr Guinea, Suriname, Guyana), Uruguay. Caribbean: Cuba, Hispanola (the Island). Central America: Panama/Costa Rica, El Salvador. Africa: Senegal, Western Sahara, Namibia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Morocco. Asia: New Zealand, Borneo, Sri Lanka. Peace... gtmoBlue


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